Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation committed to providing free information about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities.
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Where to start

Founder of Prostate Matters and Patient Advocate
Firstly, take heart. There have been very significant and rapid developments in the last 20 years in the therapeutic options available to treat prostate disease, whether Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Prostate Cancer or Prostatitis.
The cure rates for all these diseases have increased continuously and great progress has been made in treating disease whilst maintaining continence and potency (erectile function).
In the case of Prostate Cancer, some of the pioneers in the accurate diagnosis and treatment with minimal side effects are here in the UK and part of our technical panel.
Therefore although the diagnosis of prostate cancer may confront you with a very serious disease perhaps for the first time in your life, take heart, help is at hand.
In the case of BPH, whose symptoms usually start with having to get up to pee during the night, there are now a plethora of minimally invasive treatment options available to suit individual needs.
The days of a ‘one size fits all’ invasive treatment are well and truly over.
Similarly, with Prostatitis, pain in the prostate, there have been advances in antibiotic and other options for treatment.
The following pages, are intended to accompany you in your decision-making process for the next steps in your life.
We want you can take control of what happens to you and where it happens.
Do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions.
You will see that for each diagnostic and treatment option we provide a list of Clinicians by region that offer that service. The reason is the fact that the quality and availability of options is patchy around the country. Once again take heart. on the Home page you will find a link which tells you how to be referred to your Clinician of choice.
The site is divided into sections, one dedicated to the best diagnostic procedures and the alternative treatment options for prostate cancer that might be suitable for you and uniquely, where to get them.
There is a similar section on the diagnostic and treatment options for BPH that might be most suitable for you and uniquely, where to get them.
The final section is for Prostatitis.
To start your journey you may wish to read the following pages which are a good starting point to get informed about the prostate and the symptoms and diseases.
Best of luck on your journey

Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing free expert advice about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities
In memory of Riki
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