Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation committed to providing free information about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities.

Urological Surgeons who perform a high volume of HoLEP procedures

In terms of  where to get HoLEP treatment (Holmium laser treatment), the list of surgeons below are the most experienced in using Holmium Laser treatment and perform the highest volume of prostate procedures.

You can use the link to the Lumenis website at the end of the page to find other Consultant Urological Surgeons who treat BPH using HoLEP.

Click in the box below to view the video


Mr Hamid Abboudi - Consultant Urological Surgeon Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Mr Hamid Abboudi
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Tev Aho - Consultant Urologist

Mr Tevita Aho
Consultant Urological surgeon and lead Clinician for Holmium Laser Prostate Surgery
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust


Ben Challacombe - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Ben Challacombe

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Ben Challacombe - Consultant Urological Surgeon
Mr Daniel Cohen
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Royal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Mr Gidon Ellis
Consultant Urological Surgeon

The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

Ben Challacombe - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Marios Hadjipavlou
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Mr Marc Laniado
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Royal Berkshire hospital NHS Foundation Trust



Mr Nkwam Michael Nkwam
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Princess Royal University Hospital
Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Rick Popert - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Rick Popert

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust


Mr Sarb Sandhu
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Chief of Surgery & Planned Care
Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Tev Aho - Consultant Urologist

Mr Tevita Aho

Consultant Urological surgeon and lead Clinician for Holmium Laser Prostate Surgery

Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust

Mark Rochester - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Mark Rochester

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Jim Armitage - Consultant Urologist
 Mr Jim Armitage
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
Miss Christine Gan
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Lister Hospital
East and North Hertfordshire
NHS Foundation Trust
Christof Kastner - Consultant Urological Surgeon
Mr Christof Kastner
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust

South East

Freddie Banks - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Freddie Banks

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Watford General Hospital

West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust

Farooq Khan - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Farooq Khan

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Asad Saleemi - Consultant Urlogical Surgeon
Mr Asad Saleemi
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Gerald Rix - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Gerald Rix

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Colchester General Hospital

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust

Anil Vohra - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Anil Vohra 

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Basildon University Hospital

Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Tony Young - Consultant Urlogical Surgeon

Professor Tony Young

Director of Medical Innovation Anglia Ruskin University

National Clinical Director for Innovation at NHS England and National Clinical Lead for Innovation

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Southend University Hospital NHS Trust

Peter Acher - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Peter Acher

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Southend University NHS Trust

Mr Acher can be seen privately in London at the London Bridge Hospital


Mark Cynk - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Mark Cynk

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Maidstone Hospital and Medway maritime Hospital

Maidstone and Tunbridge wells NHS Trust



Mr Marc Laniado
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Royal Berkshire hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Mr Simon Brewster
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Churchill Hospital
Oxford University Hospitals NHS  Trust

Sunil Kumar - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Sunil Kumar

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust

Mr Paimaun Zakikhani
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Royal Sussex County Hospital
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation  Trust

South West

Robert Jones - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Robert Jones
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Musgrove Park Hospital
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Ms Helen Teixeira
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust


Chris Bates - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Chris Bates

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Royal Gwent Hospital


Mr Hrishi Joshi

Consultant Urological Surgeon

University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff


North East

Matthew Shaw - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Matthew Shaw
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Freeman Hospital
The Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust

Toby Page - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Toby Page
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Freeman Hospital
The Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust

Alaiyi West - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Alaiyi West

Consultant Urological Surgeon

South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

North West

Shalom Srirangam - Consultant Uroogical Surgeon
Mr Shalom Srirangam
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust



Mr Feras al Jaafari

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Victoria Hospital 

As the number of surgeons performing more than 100 procedures a year increases, this list of where to get Holmium laser treatment will be updated

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Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing free expert advice about prostate issues from leading Clinical  Authorities

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