Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation committed to providing free information about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities.
Interventional Radiologists offering Prostatic Artery Embolisation (PAE) as a treatment for BPH
This is the current list available.
There may be other centres offering PAE and you are recommended to contact your local Interventional Radiology team. Also check the list maintained by the British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR) which can be accessed by the adjacent link.

Consultant Interventional Radiology (IR) Surgeon and Clinical Lead for UK-ROPE study
Retired from NHS
Wellington and Princess Grace Hospitals, London

Dr Conrad von Stempel
Consultant Interventional Radiologist
University College Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Miles Walkden
Consultant Interventional Radiologist
University College Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
St Mary’s Hospital
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiology (IR) Surgeon and Clinical Lead for UK-ROPE study
University Hospitals Southampton NHS Trust RETIRED from NHS

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
University Hospitals Southampton NHS Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
University Hospitals Southampton NHS Trust

Dr Clare Bent
Consultant Interventional Radiologist(IR)
Bournemouth General Hospital
The University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Mark Little
Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, Reading

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Oxford Churchill Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Colchester General Hospital
East Suffolk & North Essex NHS Foundation Trust
South West

Dr Peter Menzes
Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Southmead Hospital
North Bristol NHS Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Derriford Hospital
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Surgeon Commander Dr Phil Coates
Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Derriford Hospital
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
South East

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Canterbury Hospital
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust

Dr. Sam Walker
Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Royal College of Radiologists Tutor – QEHB Imaging

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Royal Stoke University Hospital
University Hospitals North Midlands NHS Foundation Trust
North West

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Fazakerley Hospital
Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Manchester Royal Infirmary
Yorkshire & Humberside

Consultant Vascular Interventional Radiologist and Vascular Research Lead
Sheffield Vascular Institute
Northern General Hospital
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
North East

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Freeman Hospital
The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Freeman Hospital
The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Iain Robertson now retired, replacement unknown
Consultant Interventional Radiologist
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow
Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Trust
Northern Ireland

Dr Richard Lindsay
Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Royal Victoria Hospital
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Consultant Interventional Radiologist (IR)
Royal Victoria Hospital
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing free expert advice about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities
In memory of Riki
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