Symptoms and prostate problems – LUTS
Overview by Mr. David Badenoch

- Increased urgency in the need to urinate even leading to incontinence
- Having to urinate possibly several times at night
Voiding or obstructive symptoms, including
- Poor urinary stream
- Difficulty initiating the flow of urine
- The sensation of poor bladder emptying
- Needing to strain to pass urine
All these symptoms are very common and are actually very unlikely to relate to prostate cancer. However. there are circumstances that mean prostate cancer needs to be considered.They are as follows:
- If you have a family history of Prostate Cancer. This particularly means if your father or a brother has had Prostate Cancer, your chances of also getting Prostate Cancer are higher than if no one in your family has had it.
- If you are of black ethnic origin, or are overweight or obese: these have increased risk factors for Prostate Cancer You are having a medical health “screen”.
- If either you have a family history of Prostate Cancer, or you are aged 50 or older, the medical professional conducting the screening may recommend it.
Before deciding to have the PSA test, you may want to talk to your GP and practice nurse, as well as your partner or a friend or family member. There is currently no national screening programme for prostate cancer in the UK because the PSA test is not always accurate. What is a raised PSA level ? The amount of PSA in your blood is measured in nanograms of PSA per millilitre of blood (ng/ml). If you are aged 50 to 59, raised PSA is 2ng/ml or higher. If you are aged 60-69, raised PSA is 3ng/ml or higher A raised PSA level in your blood may be a sign of prostate cancer, but it can also be a sign of another condition that is not cancer, such as:
- enlarged prostate
- prostatitis
- urinary infection

Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing free expert advice about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities
In memory of Riki
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