Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation committed to providing free information about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities.

Access to HIFU treatment

Firstly, The answer to the question where to access HIFU treatment is a short list in the UK. However, it should be noted that Consultant Urological Surgeons who offer HIFU to their patients will also offer Active Surveillance. Further they will be PROMIS compliant, using mpMRI for diagnosis as well as transperineal biopsy to assess the cancer cells.

Offering these services is a prerequisite to being able to offer HIFU as a therapy. 

As of today, there are a few centres offering HIFU, but as the results of the recent  HIFU research, the CHRONOS study, has had such encouraging results, more centres and Urologists are now offering HIFU. Further, NHS  reimbursement rates for HIFU have increased.

Further a  charity, Prost8 has a campaign to raise money, with the specific purpose of providing focal therapy (HIFU, Nanoknife and Crotherapy) at 12 centres around the country.

This page will be updated as these centres ‘come on line’ .We strongly encourage you to donate.

Currently where to access HIFU treatment is via the following Urologists and their teams who offer a HIFU service. Remember you are perfectly entitled to ask to be referred to these Consultants and their teams, both on the NHS and privately.

HIFU treatment for prostate cancer recurrance following Radiotherapy is offered by Professor Hashim Ahmed and Tim Larner.

Professor Hashim Ahmed presents HIFU the movie
Professor Mark Emberton

Professor Mark Emberton

Professor of Interventional Oncology

Dean of UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences

University College Hospitals London NHS Trusts.

Professor Caroline Moore

Professor Caroline Moore

Professor of Urology

University College Hospital at Westmoreland Street

University College Hospitals London NHS Trust


Mr Clément Orczyk 
Consultant Urological Surgeon
and Associate Professor
University College Hospital at Westmoreland Street
University College Hospitals London NHS Trust

Professor Hashim Ahmed - Consultant Urologist

Professor Hashim U Ahmed

Chair of Urology and Consultant Urological Surgeon
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Charing Cross Hospital

Mr Taimur Shah - Consultant Urological Surgeon at Imperial College NHS Trust
Mr Taimur Shah

Consultant Urological Surgeon
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Charing Cross Hospital


Mr Manit Ayra
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Charing Cross Hospital
Imperial College Heathcare NHS Trust

Miss Mariana Bertoncelli Tanaka FRCS (Urol)
Clinical Fellow
Imperial College NHS Foundation Trust


Mr Alistair Grey
Consultant Urological Surgeon
University College Hospital at Westmoreland Street
University College Hospitals London NHS Trust


Mr John Withington
Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Urology
University College Hospital at Westmoreland Street
University College Hospitals London NHS Trust


Professor Richard Hindley

Visiting Professor at the University of Winchester

Consultant Urological Surgeon
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


HCA Princess Grace Hospital
42-52 Nottingham Place
London W1U 5NY

Professor Raj Persad - expert in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate disease including robotic prostatectomy
Professor Raj Persad
Consultant Urological Surgeon

HCA Harley Street Clinic and Diagnostics Centre and Princess Grace Hospital

Raj Nigam - Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Raj Nigam

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Royal Surrey County NHS Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

The following Urological Surgeons for the Focal Therapy Clinic and operate out of London, the Midlands and Southampton,
Alan Doherty, Raj Nigam, Tim Dudderidge and Marc Laniado.
There contact details are listed on this page

South and South East


Mr Manit Ayra
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Charing Cross Hospital
Imperial College Heathcare NHS Trust


Mr Amr Emara
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Richard Hindley -Consultant Urological Surgeon

Professor Richard Hindley

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Tim Dudderidge - Consultant Urological Surgeon
Mr Tim Dudderidge
Consultant Urological Surgeon
University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust

Marc Laniado and Rajan Nigam refer NHS patients to University College Hospital at Westmoreland Street
University College Hospitals London NHS Trust

Marc Laniado - Consultant Urological Surgeon
Mr Mark Laniado
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Frimley Park NHS Foundation Trust
The Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust

Both Mr Tim Larner and Mr Paimaun Zakikhani also use HIFU as a ‘salvage’ therapy when there is a recurrence of prostate cancer following radiotherapy.

Patients are referred to them for salvage via their Oncologist

Tim Larner - Consultant Urological Surgeon
Mr Tim Larner
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Princess Royal Hospital
University Hospital Sussex NHS Foundation Trust

Mr Paimaun Zakikhani
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Royal Sussex County Hospital
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation  Trust

South West

Professor Iqbal Shergill

Ms Lucy Simmons
Consultant Urological Surgeon
The Royal United Hospital Bath
NHS Foundation Trust


Professor Iqbal Shergill
Mr Jon McFarlane
Consultant Urological Surgeon and
Associate Medical Director Cancer Services
The Royal United Hospital Bath
NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Iqbal Shergill

Professor Raj Persad
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Southmead Hospital
North Bristol NHS Trust

Note: Currently HIFU is only available privately from Professor Persad


Mr Tom Leslie Specialises in transperineal biopsy and active surveillance

Professor P. Cristian Ilie
Consultant Urological Surgeon
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust

HIFU service will commence mid November 23

Mr Tom Leslie Specialises in transperineal biopsy and active surveillance
Mr Tom Leslie
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Note: Currently HIFU is only available privately, NHS soon

Professor Iqbal Shergill

Mr Jaspal Virdi
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Ramsay Rivers Hospital

Note: Retired from NHS, HIFU is only available privately


Professor Iqbal Shergill

Professor Iqbal Shergill
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Wrexham Maelor Hospital 



Professor Iqbal Shergill
Mr Alan Doherty
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Note: Retired from the NHS

London and the South East

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Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing free expert advice about prostate issues from leading Clinical  Authorities

In memory of Riki

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