Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation committed to providing free information about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities.
Latest research on genetics and men of African genetic heritage

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The latest research on genetics and men of African genetic heritage was published in January 2021. A team of international researchers, led by scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and the University of Southern California in the US, pooled data from 17 large-scale studies from around the world, and analysed the genetics of more than 200,000 men of European, African, Asian and Hispanic ancestry.
Combining together data from all the known genetic changes linked to prostate cancer, the researchers developed an overall genetic risk score to help pick out men who have the highest levels of inherited risk.
When the researchers applied the risk score to different ethnic and racial groups, they found that Black men had an average genetic risk score twice as high as White men of European ancestry. Conversely, Asian men had around three quarters of the risk of White men.
The genetic risk score developed by the researchers could be used in the future to identify men who need targeted screening – an option which could particularly be considered for Black men, given their higher incidence rates.
The link below gives more summary details.

Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing free expert advice about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities
In memory of Riki
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