Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation committed to providing free information about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities.

Where to access MR Linac treatment

Where to get MR Linac treatment for prostate cancer in the UK.

The first operational MR Linac system (1.5T Elekta Unity) in the country  at the Royal Marsden Hospital location in Sutton treated the first prostate patient in September 2018. The team leader for the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) trial is Dr Alison Tree.

The Christie Hospital in Manchester commenced installation of an Elekta Unity system in 2016 which is now operational. The MOMENTUM MRL trial, under the leadership of Professor Ananya Choudhury,  is now underway.

The private Rutherford Medical Centre in Liverpool, which went into receivership June 22 also had an Elekta Unity system.
The centre has now been acquired by Clatterbridge NHS Cancer Centre, which also has a private facility. It is now positioned as a cancer diagnostic centre for Liverpool. It is assumed that the centre will continue to offer MRgRT but we are seeking confirmation.

There are  Viewray MRIdian .35T MR Linac systems in Oxford, a collaboration between the private cancer treatment network GenesisCare and Oxford University which is live and treating prostate cancer patients and a further Viewray MRIdian system is at the GenesisCare centre at the Bupa Cromwell Hospital in West London. A  Viewray system is also planned  as a collaboration between the Royal Surrey Hospital and GenesisCare Guildford.

Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Trust

Dr Alision Tree

Dr Alison Tree
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

The Royal Marsden

Team Leader  Uro radiology research including MR Linac PRISM  The Institute of Cancer Research, London

GenesisCare Centre for Radiotherapy at the Cromwell Hospital

Dr Alison Falconer
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

Head of Radiology
Charing Cross Hospital
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Dr Nicola Anyamene
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

Mount Vernon Cancer Centre
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Dr Sara Khaksar
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

The Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford


Dr Carla Perna
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

Frimley Park Hospital Camberley  and

The Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford

Dr Alex Martin
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust


Oxford University and GenesisCare Oxford

Dr Philip Camilleri

Dr Philip Camilleri
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Director – Urological cancers and MR Linac
Genesiscare UK


Dr Nichola Dallas
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

Berkshire Cancer Centre
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust


Dr Prantik Das
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

Royal Derby Hospital

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust


Dr Ami Sabharwel
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Dan Ford
Consultant Clinical Oncologist

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust

North West

The Christie Hospital Manchester

Professor Ananya Choudhury
Professor Ananya Choudhury
Consultant and Honorary Clinical Reader in Clinical Oncology
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Rutherford Clinic Liverpool acquired by the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Trust

Dr Manal Alameddine
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

Where to get MR Linac treatment for prostate cancer locations in the UK will be added to as they become available.

London and the South East

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Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing free expert advice about prostate issues from leading Clinical  Authorities

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