Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation committed to providing free information about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities.

Surgeons who offer both Focal therapy and radical prostatectomy

We are currently only aware of three surgeons who offer both treatments.

Marc Laniado being the only one who offer Retzius and nerve sparing Robotic Prostatectomy (RALP).


Mr Taimur Shah - Consultant Urological Surgeon at Imperial College NHS Trust

Mr Taimur Shah
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Mark Emberton
Mr Marc Laniado
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Royal Berkshire Hospital Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Note: Only a private service in London

He offers RALP at the Royal Berks


Tim Dudderidge Specialises in Robot Assisted Laprascopic Prostatectomy, transperineal biopsy, active surveillance and focal therapies (HIFU and Cryotherapy)
Mr Tim Dudderidge
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Southampton General Hospital
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

Only HIFU offered in London

Asset 2@4x no strap

Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing free expert advice about prostate issues from leading Clinical  Authorities

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