Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation committed to providing free information about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities.
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The Risks

Overview by Dr Francesco Giganti
Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Radiology
Faculty of Medical Sciences
University College London
This section of the website focuses on providing information to men who potentially have an increased risk of developing significant prostate cancer disease. If you fall into one of those groups you should read the pages in this section carefully.
However, it is important to note that the majority of men over 60 will have one or more prostate cancer lesions, but most of the time these are indolent and are not a cause for concern, infact only 3% of those with prostate cancer will die of the disease.
What is important is to identify groups of men who are likely to be at risk of developing significant disease.
They are as follows:
- Men of West African and South African genetic heritage, that includes all men for example of Afro Caribbean decent.
- Relatives who were diagnosed with early onset prostate cancer (diagnosed before age 55)
- 3 first degree relatives (brother, son, father) diagnosed with prostate cancer
- Men with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry with a family history breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
- A family history of Prostate cancer and two relatives with breast or ovarian cancer
- A family history of Prostate cancer and male breast cancer, or ovarian cancer or bilateral breast cancer
- A family history of Prostate cancer or early onset bowel or womb cancer (before age 50)
- A family history of Prostate cancer and/or 2 relatives with bowel or womb cancer

Prostate matters is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing free expert advice about prostate issues from leading Clinical Authorities
In memory of Riki
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